License Manager



To see the first video on uploading material for license ====> Click Here

The License Manager lets you view in list form the pre-license terms, the terms of your owned licenses, and your purchased licenses. This allows you to preview the license agreement that a licensee would accept or edit the terms if adjustments are required. Once you have uploaded your portfolio of licenses for patents, copyright, or intellectual property you can get a summary of them with a quick link selection. In the summary screen the licenses you have purchased as well as those that you own the material rights to are summarized. It’s like going to a file cabinet with a quick button click to see the terms of all the licenses associated with your account. Now tracking your portfolio couldn’t be easier. Preview a pdf of the agreement and edit on the fly. We will customize the agreement further to suit your needs.

Manage your portfolio with a button click
Manage your portfolio with a button click

PDF of License Agreement you can take to a notary

After a purchase both the owner of material licensed and the customer can go to the License Manager and “Show” the pdf of the license agreement between the two parties time and date stamped. Some customers may desire to have this printed and notarized to mark the date by a notary. The notary can authenticate the date the document was brought before them.

Time to see the License Wizard – Click here ====> License Wizard


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