There are events in our lives that guide us. Twenty-five years ago I worked in the woods planting Douglas Fir trees and fighting fires in Oregon with people with varying backgrounds from just graduating with eighth grade education to college graduate English Literature majors. Many friends have come by me over that time that have been gifted by wonderful ideas and solutions to world problems or great works of art. I think only 1% of these ideas have been accomplished in society to date and that is a very poor efficiency score.
Capital to empower those solutions or works of art have kept the fruition and advancement to only that 1%. I want to build a service that facilitates an additional 99% efficiency out of all the ideas out there and allow each person to license part of the solution to a larger problem. This is not the age of an industrialized nation transforming to a service oriented economy, but the age of intellectual efficiency advancement. This service is merely the facilitator to a greater event where intellectual efficiency advancement comes from empowerment of enabled minds to contribute in collaboration to world problems. Now 99% of the people without capital can be empowered.